Website Wednesday
"Peeing like a baby on a changing table
into the brisk digital wind..."
"Peeing like a baby on a changing table
into the brisk digital wind..."
Whoever snuck the “s” into “fast food”
was a
Top of the Heap: 18 Mouthwatering Facts About In-N-Out Burger
11 Super-Cool Science Photos From the Past Decade
How Our World Will Change in the Next 10 Years (according to 10 science-fiction writers)
What we know so far about Indiana Jones 5
Printing a wall-sized world map
The Evolution of the 22 Greatest Aliens in Star Wars
27 Unintentionally Hilarious Movies That Are So Bad They’re Great
The confused millennial's guide to Seinfeld
19 things you didn't know you wanted
10 Life Hacks Every College Student Should Know
Everyday Things That Look Amazing in Slow Motion (Thanks, Melody!)
Genius Tricks Every iPad and iPhone User Needs to Know
Brilliant Ways to Subtly Mess With People
13 Pics That Only Become Inappropriate If You Keep Staring At Them (WARNING: Some are a tad NSFW)
~ and, finally ~
Natural Gas Report - a roundup of farts in the news
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