Website Wednesday
"Peeing like a baby on a changing table
into the brisk digital wind..."
"Peeing like a baby on a changing table
into the brisk digital wind..."
highly doubt
any alcohol
or vodka
will solve any of my life's problems
will solve any of my life's problems
But I guess
it's still
worth the...
Top of the Heap: For Jackie - College Living: Expectations vs. Reality
Related: 19 Tips For Studying Abroad That Aren't Complete Garbage
The 50 Greatest Movie Characters of All Time
Go Inside Saturn’s Rings In This Surreal Animation
One-Day Backyard Projects
Charles Bukowski’s Top 10 Tips for Living a Kick-Ass Life
What song should be played at your funeral?
The Top 10 Worst Wikipedia Pages & Articles
28 Facts You Might Not Know About The Munsters
Check out 'Trump Force One' - Donald Trump's personal Boeing airliner
It's Katniss Everdeen vs. Jon Snow in Hunger Game of Thrones
Myers, Briggs, and the World's Most Popular Personality Test
8 Tips to Spot a Crappy Hotel When Booking Online
7 Lesser-Known Members of the Batman Family
23 Must-Watch Courtroom Moments from TV & Movies
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