Wednesday, October 25, 2017

October 25, 2017

Website Wednesday
a subsidiary of Skip's House of Chaos
(The 234,453rd Most Interesting Man in the World)

"From the Large Intestine of the Internets,

through the Sphincter of Electronic Mail, 
peeing like a baby on a changing table
into the brisk digital wind..."  

                    I’m thinking that Fitbits are the modern equivalent of Tamagotchies.
                    Except the stupid little creature you have to keep alive is yourself.

Top of the heap:  10+ Hilarious Reactions to Hurricane Ophelia By Irish People

The 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds

Crazy Cleaning Tricks

How (and why) to take a break from Facebook and other social media

Puerto Rico, by the numbers

16 Gmail Tips and Tricks to Streamline Your Mailbox

Deadly Florida
From a fellow swabbie - 19 Terms Only Sailors Will Understand

A Beginner's Guide to Camping (Thanks, Chris!)

How Jane Goodall Became Jane Goodall 

And, since next Tuesday is All Hallow's Eve, here's the extra-special...


                    Whenever I hear someone say, “There’s a special place in Hell reserved for…”, 
                    I can’t help but think how insanely well-organized Satan must be.

Pot-ergeist - 5 Famous Haunted Toilets. Likely to scare the... well, you know

The Spookiest Ghost Stories From All 50 States

Google Maps Listed The 31 Most Haunted Places in America (Thanks, Billy!)

Related: The Most Haunted Place in Every State  (Thanks, Melody!)

Related: The Creepiest Urban Legend in Every State

12 Halloween Traditions From Around the World

10 Clever Halloween Pun Costumes and an Additional 12 More

A History of Ghosts on Film

20 Genius Halloween Costumes For Pregnant People

13 Devilish Facts About Rosemary's Baby

31 Best Streaming Horror Movies

Horrific Yet Awesome Things People Do During Halloween

Why Everyone Knows the Same Scary Slumber-Party Stories

The 19 Scariest, Freakiest Haunted Houses in Movies and TV

Related: Exploring the Scariest Haunted Attractions in the Country

Utterly Terrifying Unsolved Mysteries No One Can Explain

Hilarious Photos of People Getting Spooked By a Haunted House

13 Secrets of Halloween Costume Designers

Love you, mean it. Let's do lunch. Have your people call my people. Ciao, bella.

(If you'd like to subscribe to the Website Wednesday mailing list,
shoot me an email and let me know)

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

October 18, 2017

Website Wednesday
a subsidiary of Skip's House of Chaos
(The 234,453rd Most Interesting Man in the World)

"From the Large Intestine of the Internets,

through the Sphincter of Electronic Mail, 
peeing like a baby on a changing table
into the brisk digital wind..."  

                    The Ghostbusters theme song establishes who 
                    I should call in the case of a ghostly emergency, 
                    but it doesn’t provide a shred of contact info.

Top of the heap:  Winners of the Best Illusion of the Year Contest

Want to Become the Best at What You Do? Read This

Astronomers observe a collision of neutron stars

10 Items You Probably Wash Too Much - Or Not Enough
5 Ways to Beat Old-School Games Using Math

10 Cool Things About "Buttervoice" Neil deGrasse Tyson

New types of Northern Light  (named, I kid you not, "Steve")

Translate Shakespeare into Modern English

This Canadian lake hides an underwater ghost town

When 7 Classic TV Shows Jumped the Shark
Award-winning microscope photos reveal a bizarre universe just out of reach

What It Looks Like When the President Asks People to Snitch on Their Neighbors

Could StarTram Revolutionize Space Travel

How to Make Perfect Scrambled Eggs

The Curious Life of a Hollywood Extra

What Would Happen If We Nuked North Korea

Photos of California's Destructive Wildfires (Thanks, Melody!)

America's top political scientists gathered to discuss our democracy. They're scared.

Love you, mean it. Let's do lunch. Have your people call my people. Ciao, bella.

(If you'd like to subscribe to the Website Wednesday mailing list,
shoot me an email and let me know)

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

October 11, 2017

Website Wednesday
a subsidiary of Skip's House of Chaos
(The 234,453rd Most Interesting Man in the World)

"From the Large Intestine of the Internets,

through the Sphincter of Electronic Mail, 
peeing like a baby on a changing table
into the brisk digital wind..."  

                                   I was born to be wild. 
                            But only until about 9pm or so.

Top of the heap:  The Top 10 Strangest Things in Space

Ummmm, just in case: How to Survive the Apocalypse

96 Things to Do When You're Bored

What Bullets Do to Bodies

Unusual Uses For WD-40

30 Hilarious Parenting Hacks

Woman Creates Optical Illusions With Makeup (freaky!)

The Dying Art of Disagreement

20 Words That Describe Emotions We Can Feel, But Can't ExplainIt's Never Too Late To Achieve Your Dreams

Six of the World's Most Extravagant (and Expensive) Homes

Weavesilk - a fun way to waste a few minutes

14 new places you'll find Alexa this year

Oh, great. According to this, I died somewhere around 1996

Understanding the least understood common human behavior

9 Ultimate Bucket List Road Trips

3D crosswalk in Ísafjörður (Iceland) helps slow down speeding motorists

Former Google engineer is developing an AI god 
(what could possibly go wrong?)

Love you, mean it. Let's do lunch. Have your people call my people. Ciao, bella.

(If you'd like to subscribe to the Website Wednesday mailing list,
shoot me an email and let me know)

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

October 4, 2017

Website Wednesday
a subsidiary of Skip's House of Chaos
(The 234,453rd Most Interesting Man in the World)

"From the Large Intestine of the Internets,

through the Sphincter of Electronic Mail, 
peeing like a baby on a changing table
into the brisk digital wind..."  

                    Remember that week in 2011 when the only news story 
                    was when Charlie Sheen was going crazy and saying stuff 
                    like, “I got tiger blood, man”, and “I’m tired of pretending 
                    I’m not a total bitchin’ rock star from Mars”? 

                    Ah, those were the days

Top of the heap:  In light of recent events, here are the members of Congress who take the most money from the gun lobby  (Thanks, Billy. You're my favorite right-wing love muffin)

Scuba Diving Magazine's 2017 Underwater Photo Contest Winners 

The Chemistry and Physics Behind the Perfect Cup of Coffee
100 Skills Every Man Should Know

This could come in handy: How to Find the Specs for Any Device You Own

10 Lesser-Known Features in Google Maps for Androids

74,476 Reasons You Should Always Get The Bigger Pizza

18 Insanely Creepy Movie Facts You Probably Didn't Know Until Now

11 tips for preparing your kitchen for fall

Star Trek Spec Scripts That Never Saw the Light of Day

RelatedHow to Watch All of Star Trek (all 600-ish hours)

5 Amazing Things Invented By Donald Duck (Seriously)

Jared Kushner is very smart

Teachers Getting a Straight-A in Humor

Asking the Wrong Guy For Help (with your Photoshop pics)

Mistakes You're Making While Using Netflix

Interesting: Dumb license plates are about the get smart

Love you, mean it. Let's do lunch. Have your people call my people. Ciao, bella.

(If you'd like to subscribe to the Website Wednesday mailing list,
shoot me an email and let me know)