Website Wednesday
a subsidiary of Skip's House of Chaos
"From the Large Intestine of the Internets,
through the Sphincter of Electronic Mail..."
a subsidiary of Skip's House of Chaos
"From the Large Intestine of the Internets,
through the Sphincter of Electronic Mail..."
English if *I*
ran it:
A group of crows is called a "group."
A group of buffaloes is called a "group."
A group of catfish is called a "group."
A group of crows is called a "group."
A group of buffaloes is called a "group."
A group of catfish is called a "group."
Top of the Heap: 15 Real Names for Groups of Animals (see above)
17 Things Nobody Tells You About Being Depressed
Rejected Princesses - Princesses too awesome, awful, or offbeat for the movies
I was promised flying cars
Why I'm sending back Google Glass
If you dug a tunnel through to the other side of the Earth...
17 Hacks Every Bra-Wearer Should Know
Turn a watermelon into one giant Jell-O shot
In-flight science: How the world works when you're sitting on a plane
The Best Worst President Ever (you surprised me with this one, Billy!)
Insanely clever products every booze-lover should own
100 of the Best Restaurant Copycat Recipes
Creative Uses for Common Household Items
Meet Progressive's Flo: Actress Stephanie Courtney
10 Things Children Will Always Remember
Flash! Smelling Farts Might Prevent Cancer! Film at 11!
The so-called "Immigration Crisis" is neither
The 10 Unsolved Mysteries of Science
Remember the Polar Vortex? It's coming back. This summer.
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