Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February 25, 2015

Website Wednesday
a subsidiary of Skip's House of Chaos

"Peeing like a baby on a changing table
into the brisk digital wind..."

            Waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay
            sounds like a lot of  fun if you don’t
            know what either of those things are.

Top of the Heap:  How to Eat Chocolate

Related: When Chocolate Was Medicine

10 Things You Didn't Know Your Microwave Could Do

The 32 Greatest Unscripted Movie Scenes

12 Haunting Facts About the Titanic

15 Hidden Messages From TV and Movies That You Won't Be Able to Unsee

What's the Best Mobile Flight Tracker App?

The big list of 100 tools, tips, and tricks to work more efficiently online

Epic Facebook Comments

Know Your Stuff: The 110 Best DIY Tips Ever

Related: 37 Creative DIY Tricks Every Homeowner Must Know

Why Americans still use Fahrenheit long after everyone else switched to Celsius

And, more importantly, Why Fahrenheit is Better Than Celsius

47 Alternatives to Wikipedia

34 Places to Swim in the World's Clearest Water

How The Philadelphia Experiment worked

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shoot me an email and let me know)

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